Thursday, December 1, 2011

Week 13 blog

Posted on your blog, describe how your project relates to the rubric for the project.  Specifically, talk about how your project includes design elements (audio, textual, visual, motion),  CRAP principles (contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity), and MAPS (mode, audience, purpose, situation).

My project will show how the Beatles music has changed over time. In the beginning the Beatles were a popular local band but when Brian Epstein became their manager the Beatles became a phenomenon. Then it will show how their music reflected change after his death and let the their break-up. The audience of my project is any Beatles fan or anyone who likes the Beatles music. For people who are not as familiar with the music I have stats and explanations for why each clip is significant.

Through out my entire project I am going to keep the contrast black and white. All of the backgrounds will be black and all of the text will be white. Black and white keeps it simple and allows the audience to better focus on the music. 
All of the text will be white through out the movie. I will use all of the same transitions when displaying pictures. All of the music videos will have scrolling text which will explain the significance of the song for people who dont know the Beatles music.
Alignment and Proximity:
All of my photos will be aligned right in the center of the movie, same with music video clips. Text slides also are are centered.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Project 4 reflection

The purpose of my essay was to research more about why the Beatles broke up. I already had somewhat of an idea on why the band broke up I was curious if their was something that was the main reason. I had an interest in my topic and I thought it would be a good idea to better educate myself along with other readers who may also have an interest in the Beatles. My audience was anyone who was interested in the Break up. The Beatles were perhaps the most well know band ever so the interest of their break up goes beyond people who just like their music. I gave my audience a brief background of how the Beatles were formed and struggles they overcome along with the personalities of the band members because I realized that not everyone who was interested in the Beatles would be knowledgeable about all of the factors that i felt were important to understand the bands break up. While a was developing my paper, I first used google to search for common possible reasons the break up occured. Then I used online databases to find more information and search for those specific topics. The pier review helped me a lot because the writer i peer reviewed for loaned me a great book that had a lot of information on the Beatles.

My strengths in this project were my enthusiasm for my paper because I really enjoyed researching the Beatles. There was also so much information on this topic - more then I expected- and I think I did a good job at structuring my paper. I also used my time very wisely on this paper. I had the entire paper done a week before it was due, which is very unusual for me. It is a good thing I did that because the weekend before it was due I had to unexpectedly go out of town for my grandfathers funeral so when I got back to school I only had to do citations. My goal is to make a great video project out of this paper!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

4 things 50 cent can teach you about connecting to your audience

  • 1.     Crush all distance, 50 cent says that in order to reach people, you have to have access to their inner lives. You mush be able to connect to their emotions.  You have to look at things the way that our audience does in order to connect with them and make them feel involved. You must be completely open in your work.

  • 2.     Open informal channels of criticism and feedback. Eleanor Roosevelt asked for feedback and passed the criticisms onto her husband and eventually got an influence on decisions.  You have to connect with your audience and get their feedback and criticisms because that will make your writing stronger.

  • 3.     Reconnect with your base. Return to your roots and connect with people who are similar to you. Returning to your roots is a source of inspiration and power.

  • 4.     Create the social mirror. The mirror doesn’t lie.  If you do not connect with your audience it is your own fault. You need to make your ideas clear and connect with your audience emotionally.

From this article, I learned that you have to draw an emotional response from your audience. In order for your audience to connect they need they need to feel a connection inside and feel passionate about your work.  You have to connect to your readers life and be relevant to their thoughts. You must take criticism and from your audience and use it to make your work better.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Curious researcher quiz

By reading Bruce Ballengers, The Curious Researcher, I learned many things about researching. The three most important things I learned were, Where to get your research, techniques to researching, and which sources are most credible. I learned that it is okay to use Google as long as you are careful. People who are educated and know what they are talking about write library databases, but not all Google sources are bad. Bruce said that about 52 percent of the sources he found on Google for a particular subject are all pretty useful. As long as you know the difference between a good and a bad source, Google is okay to use for some information. I also learned how to search. Before I just typed words into the search engine and hoped that I would get what I was looking for. This chapter taught me different search strategies that allow me to search easier and more effective. I learned about Boolean tricks and how adding, AND, OR, and NOT, can help you narrow down your search and get better results. I also learned about Google’s advanced search engine. I am surprised I never knew about this before. It lets you use all of the Boolean tricks without having to use AND, OR, and NOT. I learned how to tell what sources are quality sources.  Specialized knowledge and more authoritative sources such as academic journals are better sources then general encyclopedias. Experts usually write academic journals, where as magazine articles are informative but may not be written by experts. You should use Academic journal sources before anything else because they are most credible but be sure to have a variety of sources.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Paper 2 reflection

The purpose of my Essay was to explain how the IPod was a cultural artifact. I also had to explain why the IPod had a negative impact on the music industry. I had to show the impact on society as a whole, and then prove while the IPod made many changes that were positive; those changes don’t outweigh the negative effect on the music industry. The audience of my Essay was educated people who wanted to learn more about how the IPod affected the music industry because I was writing for the Chronicle of Higher Education.
I started off writing everything I know about how the IPod has impacted society and made that into my rough draft. Then I researched what I already knew, and found more information to prove what I knew was true. I then conducted my survey on facebook to see if people I knew used illegal music downloading to download music for their IPods. I then made a final draft and took it to the writing center to see what they thought. After I got some advice I made a few changes they suggested and turned it in!
            I was really proud of my use of time for this project. I had my Final draft done earlier then normal and I took it to the writing center to see if they had any suggestions. I think as a researcher I still have a lot to learn about all of the resources I have available to me. I need to explore the library website more and get more familiar with it. In the library I found a book that had a lot of good information in it and I spent a lot of time reading through that and taking notes. My goal for my next research essay is to become more familiar with the e-resources online and look at other places for info.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


When looking at these photos, my attention immediately goes to the American flag in the middle. Then I look at all of the men working together to hold this flag up. It makes my eyes move from the center of the photo, to the surrounding scene until take in the entire picture. It is not until I see the stamps that I know what the first event was, because that was not in my lifetime, but nobody who lived through this event would be able to forget it. The picture of 9/11 I recognized immediately because I lived through it. These photos me feel proud because those are Americans and I am a part of their country. It makes me feel like America can always overcome any obstacle that other countries try to throw in front of us.
         The Iwo Jima stamp depicts soldiers fighting to keep the American flag up in a battle. It makes an argument that Americans are strong and will fight to keep their country safe. This stamp was probably used to gain support for the war from the citizens of America who didn’t believe in war. The government wanted the American citizens to support fighting a war and to believe in our army. The audience is the American public, and the government is making the argument.
         The stamp that was created after 9/11 is making an argument that Americans can over come attacks and that we are strong. The word HEROS USA was used to make Americans proud of all the people who contributed to rescuing and helping the people of the world trade center tragedy. This stamps purpose is to remind American citizens about the tragedy. The audience is the American public and the government is making the argument.
         The logos of these images are the events. The fact that these tragedies occurred for Americans and the fact that other countries would do this type of thing to us. The pathos in the Iwo Jima stamp is the picture of the soldiers struggling to hold up the American flag and the words Iwo Jima. For the people who lived during Iwo Jima, just the words probably spark emotion. The pathos in the HEROS stamps is the destruction, the word “HEROS” and American flag. Living through 9/11 a picture of 9/11 and even just hearing the date sparks emotion. The ethos in both of these stamps is credibility because they are a product of the American government. It is also a picture so the audience knows it is accurate. 

Friday, September 30, 2011

Football Red and Baseball Green

In the article, Football Red and Baseball Green, by Murry Ross, the author engages the activities of football and baseball. He explains in depth the significance of the two sports and how they are a huge part of American society. The idea that are created in the text are how the two sports incorporate the crowd. The sport of baseball the author describes as an art while the sport of baseball is described as a sport of strength and is heroic.
In the arrangement, football is being put into relation of baseball. the author starts off by focusing on baseball and then states that football is a "new" myth and compares it to baseball. Throughout the article, baseball is being described first and then football is compared to it.
The writer is trying to change the opinion of readers that football is an aggressive sport. The writer tells the audience that baseball fans tend to be more passive and football fans tend to be more hostile towards each other. the uses strategies like comparing them and showing the differences.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Project 1 reflection

The purpose of my essay was to write about a literacy that was important to me. The literacy that came to mind was texting. In this day in age so many people participate in this literacy and I thought that as a writer I would be able to explain the literacy of texting. I have had experiences with texting mix-ups that I thought would benefit the reader to learn about. I started out my rough draft with out a conclusion and out of order. I knew what I wanted to say but I was having a had time getting all of my thoughts and research together in a flow that fit the paper well. Before my rough draft I wrote down all my thoughts and decided what I was going to use in the essay and what was out of context. I then looked up facts that I thought would fit well into the essay. After I got my rough draft peer edited, I made changes to it based off what another student thought. Then when I got my essay peer edited by Mrs. Gerber I made changes according to what she said and I changed some of my original words back to what I had written before the peer edit because i liked the way it sounded better and Mrs. Gerber did not edit them out.

My next essay I plan to make changes more often and be more open to changing sentences and words around. I will spend longer on it then I did on the previous essay. As a writer I am good at getting my thoughts on paper and planning my essay, but when it comes to putting it all together sometimes I don't know where to start. I need to work on having better transitions. For my next essay I will work on it in the library instead of my dorm room because I will have more time to go there and my dorm room has way to many distractions. I learned not to procrastinate and get off track. It is really easy for me to get distracted. I need to also work on writing conclusions, that is one of my weaker areas.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Screenwriter's Tals Response

In this essay Jennifer Lawler is telling her audience not to listen to other people. She explains how people look down on her for writing novels and screenplays and how she has to hide it while she is going to graduate school. She tells her audience her experience telling her professor that she was writing a screenplay. He told her not to, but she continued to do it anyways. Her purpose is to explain to the audience that having more then one literacy that you are passionate about is not a bad thing. You should never let other people influence your writing or your love for something. The literacy she is defining for herself is story telling. She loves story telling and she turns her everyday life into a story.  She pictures her life in the medieval times and makes up stories in her head. The connection to a larger issue is being told what to do. People are constantly telling her that she is wrong for loving to write and be a storyteller. She is unable to tell the people at graduate school of her writing because she knows that it will not be accepted.