Sunday, September 25, 2011

Project 1 reflection

The purpose of my essay was to write about a literacy that was important to me. The literacy that came to mind was texting. In this day in age so many people participate in this literacy and I thought that as a writer I would be able to explain the literacy of texting. I have had experiences with texting mix-ups that I thought would benefit the reader to learn about. I started out my rough draft with out a conclusion and out of order. I knew what I wanted to say but I was having a had time getting all of my thoughts and research together in a flow that fit the paper well. Before my rough draft I wrote down all my thoughts and decided what I was going to use in the essay and what was out of context. I then looked up facts that I thought would fit well into the essay. After I got my rough draft peer edited, I made changes to it based off what another student thought. Then when I got my essay peer edited by Mrs. Gerber I made changes according to what she said and I changed some of my original words back to what I had written before the peer edit because i liked the way it sounded better and Mrs. Gerber did not edit them out.

My next essay I plan to make changes more often and be more open to changing sentences and words around. I will spend longer on it then I did on the previous essay. As a writer I am good at getting my thoughts on paper and planning my essay, but when it comes to putting it all together sometimes I don't know where to start. I need to work on having better transitions. For my next essay I will work on it in the library instead of my dorm room because I will have more time to go there and my dorm room has way to many distractions. I learned not to procrastinate and get off track. It is really easy for me to get distracted. I need to also work on writing conclusions, that is one of my weaker areas.

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