Thursday, October 13, 2011


When looking at these photos, my attention immediately goes to the American flag in the middle. Then I look at all of the men working together to hold this flag up. It makes my eyes move from the center of the photo, to the surrounding scene until take in the entire picture. It is not until I see the stamps that I know what the first event was, because that was not in my lifetime, but nobody who lived through this event would be able to forget it. The picture of 9/11 I recognized immediately because I lived through it. These photos me feel proud because those are Americans and I am a part of their country. It makes me feel like America can always overcome any obstacle that other countries try to throw in front of us.
         The Iwo Jima stamp depicts soldiers fighting to keep the American flag up in a battle. It makes an argument that Americans are strong and will fight to keep their country safe. This stamp was probably used to gain support for the war from the citizens of America who didn’t believe in war. The government wanted the American citizens to support fighting a war and to believe in our army. The audience is the American public, and the government is making the argument.
         The stamp that was created after 9/11 is making an argument that Americans can over come attacks and that we are strong. The word HEROS USA was used to make Americans proud of all the people who contributed to rescuing and helping the people of the world trade center tragedy. This stamps purpose is to remind American citizens about the tragedy. The audience is the American public and the government is making the argument.
         The logos of these images are the events. The fact that these tragedies occurred for Americans and the fact that other countries would do this type of thing to us. The pathos in the Iwo Jima stamp is the picture of the soldiers struggling to hold up the American flag and the words Iwo Jima. For the people who lived during Iwo Jima, just the words probably spark emotion. The pathos in the HEROS stamps is the destruction, the word “HEROS” and American flag. Living through 9/11 a picture of 9/11 and even just hearing the date sparks emotion. The ethos in both of these stamps is credibility because they are a product of the American government. It is also a picture so the audience knows it is accurate. 

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